Free Girl's nursery.

Free Product MockupsGirl's nursery., Boy's nursery., Kids room frame / wall mockup v1, White frame mockup - nursery, Kid's Interior Mock-ups, Kids Room & Frame Mockup, Romantic nursery., Kids Room - Wall & 90 Frames.

Free Girl's nursery.

Interior mockups

This collection includes 3 interiors, sets of frames and canvases. It's the best way for presintetion your artwork, wallpapers, design, photos, etc.

What you get

  • 3 JPG files
    (all interiors with empty white walls)

  • 1 PSD file
    (all interiors, sets of frames and canvases)

  • Help file in PSD file

  • Color Masks for each interior for easy color changing of different parts of the scene


  • Resolution 4000x3200

  • Easy to paste your artwork via Smart Object

  • Transparent background

  • All frames and canvases with shadows are on separate layers

  • Ability to move/duplicate/change size of frames and canvases

  • Two variants for each frame (with mat and without mat)

  • Ability to create your own sets of canvases and frames

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If you have any questions feel free to ask me.